Page name: The Fuck Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-06-01 03:16:01
Last author: Yanaba
Owner: Yanaba
# of watchers: 9
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sorry......can't cyber here anymore........any cybering that occurs here will be deleted. If you want to cyber that's your own business, just can't do it here. again sorry for any inconvenience.

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[angelheart]: cool

[Yanaba]:'s empty. How sad. Tell your friends about this, if they're interested, so this page won't be so sad and empty.

[angelheart]: um how do we do the guys andstuff

[Hermes322]: we put our actions in **s

[Aleka]: its called cyber sex have all we need is some guys so we can have fun

[Pedito]: i'm in

[Yanaba]: Yay! a guy!! rejoice. Um...let me know if you guys need more private rooms and stuff k?

[Hermes322]: What???

[Aleka]: like your own little page where the guys can each go and they can have fun with one at a time....of course we need a mass orgy page so this one will do for that

[Yanaba]: I think i should add this to the adults only wiki so we can advertise a little more. I kinda feel hurt that no one wants to use my page *tears*

[Aleka]: .....well if you really want to berni

[Yanaba]: WHEW! That took effort, but i improved it! you now all have 5 options: mass orgy here (pls use the comments area), go for flamingo #1, flamigo #2, flamingo #3, or dare to win the Gnome!! Enjoy!

[Aleka]: omg berni.....thats amazing but what happened to me and my green vibrator?

[theblade]: lol yeah what happened to me?

[Yanaba]: nothing...continue...mary, you had the vibrator, I think angelheart was praying for a guy and blade, you were smiling and taking your shirt off.

[The Blakester]: Hi every one ( that sounded stupid)

[Aleka]: hello....;)

[Yanaba]: what the "hi everyone"? no, no stupidity was taken from that... but, hi, how u doin?

[theblade]: i'm still confused about where i'm suposed to continue with was i was doing

[Aleka]: lets start this over right here..... Aleka pulls out her bright green vibrator and stares at it discontently

[theblade]: theblade walks in and slowly takes off his shirt

[Aleka]: aleka throws her vibrator on the ground and pulls out a twenty.... "strip baby strip" waves the twenty in the air

[Yanaba]: *yanaba walks through door* oo! stripping! *goes and sits enthusiastically on couch and watches the blade strip* sarah should see this! lol

[Aleka]: i was gonna chant about the g-string but she'd beat me for taking it....

[theblade]: *the blade lauphs and undoes his belt and wips it off then unbuttoned his pants and slides them down around his hips letting his black boxers show*

[Yanaba]:! dark side??

[Aleka]: ....hmmmm..... sarah isn't here so "strip baby strip baby if you got a g-string on i'll take my twenty and put it down your pants"

[Animal*Girl]: i can't believe you remembered that. *laughs, and pulls out her money*

[theblade]: lol you want me in a G string?

[Yanaba]: g-string, boxers, speedo....whatever floats ur boat!

[theblade]: lol k hun. *goes into the other room and comes back wearing pands and a G string. slides down pants so it shows*

[Yanaba]:!! Take it off!! ow ow!!

[theblade]: lol *slides pants all the way off. and pulls on the G string a little*

[Aleka]: *grabs her twenty and sticks it in his gsting* i never thought i actually write that

[Animal*Girl]: *folds up money real small, so she can get her hands closer to him*;)

[theblade]: i'm gonna put this on the page.

[theblade]: is that ok?

[Aleka]: cool...i don't know if berni will mind but i don't...

[theblade]: well i just didn't want to keep using comments

[Aleka]: yeah...she - berni - didn't want us to use the space...but we'll pretend we don't know

[Yanaba]: you guys are mean....ppppptttthhhh!!!! do you want me to make a seperate page for that?

[Aleka]: ....your choice berni

[theblade]: well i thought you said this was the orgie page or something.

[Aleka]: it is but.....berni wanted mass orgies in the comment section...

[Animal*Girl]: :), had nothing to say, but still wanted to be apart of this.

[Aleka]: glad you could join us sarah

[Animal*Girl]: me too:)

[theblade]: so should i take it out and keep commenting?

[Aleka]: ...i ....don't know.....maybe we should make an orgie page to keep berni happy....

[Yanaba]: I'll make it!...well, i just thought the comments would be more convenient so you won't have to keep changing could just watch the page, and come back on and comment whenever someone responds. I got the idea from the slut page...yes, I did some research.

[theblade]: ok ill just clear the stuff i added and we can go back to what we were doing. sry about that guys. I ask me to do something ill make up for it ;)

[theblade]: i was just running my hands down someones sides if i remember right

[Aleka]: you were but that was confusing as to whose sides they were since it was you and three females....

[Yanaba]: i think it was sarah's but seeing as she's not here at the moment....*[Yanaba] pulls [theblade] closer to her, feeling his well toned arms as he runns his hands down her sides.*

[Aleka]: ...damn you bitch

[Yanaba]: *sticks her tougue out :P* loosers weepers!

[Aleka]: damnit i'm leaving

[theblade]: lol oh come on i'm still here and we can share

[theblade]: *takes off pants*

[Aleka]: share....such a non-selfish term....

[Yanaba]: i guess i could share something...:) woo hoo!! take it off! *tosses a twenty at [theblade]*

[theblade]: *lauphs and says "i already told you guys i don't want your money"

[Yanaba]: *smiles seductively* then what do you want?

[theblade]: *smiles back and says "well we need to get you guys out of those cloths*

[Yanaba]: well...i guess since ur already in a g-string...seems fair...*slowly unbottons shirt*

[theblade]: *starts to drool but stops himself*

[Yanaba]: *hands you a napkin* lol

[theblade]: lol i stopped my self *gets down on my knees and pulls your pants down*

[Yanaba]: woah! *steadies myself before i fall*

[theblade]: *holds you steady*

[Yanaba]: thanks! what next??

[theblade]: um *stands up and slides your shirt over your head and undoes your bra* (you are wearing one right?)

[Yanaba]: as a matter of fact i am...or was until you undid it..hehehe *puts arms around ur neck*

[theblade]: *puts his hands on your ass and squeezes a bit and kisses your neck*

[Yanaba]: mmm....*pulls u closer and rakes fingernails accross ur neck* sorri if that hurts!

[theblade]: lol np *bites your neck*

[Yanaba]: yay! someone who knows my fetish!! *bites back*

[theblade]: *takes off my G string and your cloths*

[:Alkor:]: *gets naked and walks round*

[Yanaba]: *pulls you down on the floor*

[Aleka]: wow straight to the point...

[:Alkor:]: HA *walks to [Aleka]* hey sexy *winks*

[Yanaba]: hey, he was the one who got us naked!

[:Alkor:]: me?

[Aleka]: *grins* didn't expect to see you in the mass orgy page

[:Alkor:]: Hu? *hugs*

[Aleka]: berni...not you....[:Alkor:] you didn't read it all

[:Alkor:]: lol...*runs round naked and layes on the fresh soft grass* Feel the breeze

[Aleka]: wow...loook grass just appeared!!! here i thought there would be a giant bed in the mass orgy page but no just grass and apparently were outside... hope fully its warm out

[Yanaba]: oh, wow, change of scenery! what happend to the pole?

[:Alkor:]: outside instead of inside hun.. *penis gets bigger* Whoa..bonner

[Aleka]: damn...i suck at cyber sex...but thats what this page is for....hey berni...what would you do in this situation?

[Yanaba]: i'm currently busy w/ [theblade] until we're done ur on ur own....*goes back inside*

[:Alkor:]: *laughs*

[Aleka]: damnit berni i hate you...not even any advice... *slowly begins to unbutton her shirt*

[:Alkor:]: *watches with a glare* Ohh..trying to go kinky on me ehh? *gets up and walks over to you* hey sexy *bens you over and gives you a french kiss. pulls you up and takes your shirt off*

[Aleka]: damnit no patience...none...just straight to the point... *takes your hand and guides to towards the clasp on my bra*

[:Alkor:]: *smiles and removes his shirt. rubs hands up and down your back as i un-strap your bra*

[Aleka]: wait a were nude a minute ago....where did your shirt come from??

[:Alkor:]: lol...i had a tang top thingie on..i usually dont remove the while cyber *pulls you close and gives you a kiss*

[Aleka]: ahh he stripped completly for me *gives him a hicky and bites it*

[:Alkor:]: *smiles and gives you a big kiss while giving your bob a squeeze*

[Aleka]: i don't have a bob....8*P...err i'm at a loss

[:Alkor:]: lol..i was typing fasy hun *hugs*

[Aleka]: i got one!!...*pulls you towards her, kisses you, and scractes her nails down your back*....

[:Alkor:]: *smiles and gives you a big kiss while hands sliding down your back. archs back a little while feeling a little pain while you scratch back*

[Aleka]: ....*giggles*

[:Alkor:]: *un-buttons and un-zips your pants as i pull them down. gives you a french kiss*

[Aleka]: ....*presses herself against you* i like cuddling

[:Alkor:]: *lays you on bed and removes you pants and thong. i start to lick your clit*

[Aleka]: *grabs your hair and pushes it into her pussy*

[:Alkor:]: *starts to lick faster as you pull me close to your wet pussy*

[Aleka]: *moans*

[:Alkor:]: *sticks tongue inside you*

[Aleka]: mmmm...mmmmm....goood...well i hope so...

[:Alkor:]: *licks your pussy as my finger plays with your clit*

[Aleka]: *arches her back* fun fun

[:Alkor:]: * stands up and lays next to you while french you. hand oes doen and plays with youclit*

[Aleka]: *runs her hand down your chest....down your stomach...down*

[theblade]: sorry i've been away guys i'm back tho [Yanaba] are you still here? and do we have our cloths off yet?

[Yanaba]: yup!...currently i have pulled you down to the floor with me....

[Aleka]: LOL!

[theblade]: oh ok

[theblade]: *kisses your lips and down your neck, then runs my hands up the insides of your legs and pushes close to you*

[Animal*Girl]: can i join?

[Yanaba]: no, i'm not in a sharing mood *sticks tongue out*

[:Alkor:]: *walks in* i interupting the fucking (sex) cerimony? hehehe

[Lilly_Cortez]: *looks around cuerisly*

[theblade]: lol yanaba do something so i can keep going

[Aleka]: omg...the orgy room is suddenly teeming with people!

[:Alkor:]: your welcome

[Aleka]: 8)

[:Alkor:]: hehehe

[Aleka]: ;)

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